Cities fit for climate change    Completed

Project Lead: Daphne Frank
Duration: 01 Nov 2015 to 31 Oct 2018

Description :

The project aims to support cities in tackling the challenges presented by climate change. It advises city governments on how to adapt their development plans (land-use plans and binding development plans), urban development strategies, and urban design ideas etc. and put them into practice in a way that creates cities fit for climate change. Cities need to take into account new risk like increased flood hazards, for example by creating runoff and retention systems. The project analyses and processes existing concepts for resilient and low-emission urban development. Selected cities in India, Chile and South Africa are supported in developing their climate-sensitive strategies and their own financing options. Furthermore, they are able to communicate their experiences at international events and debates. The project supports the Habitat III process aimed at creating a new urban agenda, among other initiatives.